As a mother of three kids, with well, lots on my plate, I am
a full-time stress head. I therefore have personally researched all these
methods of stress reduction and know that they will definitely do a lot to
bring your can’t find the keys, everything is going wrong today, why me, get in
the car, we are running late, my assignment is overdue type of stress under
control. Or you can hire a personal assistant to take care of business….if you
are insanely rich that is! If not read on my fellow friend…
Wet your feet
Visit the beach, take some deep breaths and just be in the
moment. If you still feel anxious or stressed you are just going to have to
throw yourself in the water. Please only do this if you actually know how to
swim! This will also work in any swimming pool, your bath and if desperate a
bowl that will fit both your tootsies! Add a few teaspoons of bi-carb and your
favourite scented oil and kick back with your favourite tunes.
Make a list
Breaking down the overwhelming amount of things to do into
achievable chunks will make you feel more into control. Take this advice from a
sister from another mister; if you can do anything little by little, it’s going
to make a difference in how you handle the big jobs. Even a house is built in
stages by different people (unless of course, it’s a hut and you are a hermit).
Break it down, just like on the dance floor…you can’t shimmy, shake and then do
jazz hands without some sort of plan….At the end of the day if you have ticked
any small job off your list, you are still part way there!
Child Pose
It’s the number one pose that we yogini’s head to when
feeling low. You are supported, you are close to the earth, feeling grounded
and you can fall asleep without anyone really noticing. What’s not to love
about that? Stay there for as long as you need to. Breathe deeply. Breathe a
Drink water
You gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself right? So
drink some water. Get your mind off the matter (whatever may be stressing you
out) and become conscience about yourself, even if it’s just for the time it
takes to rehydrate. It’s good for you. Drink. More. Water.
There are more ways to meditate than you may think. Take off
your shoes and go for a walk. Hey, you’re meditating! Stare at something. Look
at that, you are meditating! Listen to some tunes, be it a repeat mantra or Bob
Marley (I’m a big fan, if you come to any of my yoga classes, you will be hanging with me and Bob). That’s also meditating. In fact, it’s meditating like
a boss. Close your eyes and daydream about a better you. Guess what- you are
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to feeling good,
feeling better and being better. Stress sucks. Get out there and tell it to
bugger off!
Stay tuned for a more serious (I’m serious), look into what
stress does to your body and how yoga can help.
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